Timeline of your experience
Departure from Bratislava
Nivy bus station, Platform 11 -
Arrival to Prague
O2 Arena -
Dua Lipa
Concert -
Departure from Prague
O2 Arena -
Arrival to Bratislava
Nivy bus station
Conditions of the trip
The Slovak Lines bus will take you as close as possible to the venue and will take you safely back after the concert.
Radical optimism tour
Wednesday Price doesn't include event tickets
Join us for other concerts
Price doesn't include event tickets Papa Roach
29th January 2025 15:30 @Stadthalle, Vienna -
Price doesn't include event tickets Lenny Kravitz
9th March 2025 15:30 @Stadthalle, Vienna -
Price doesn't include event tickets -
Price doesn't include event tickets Alec Benjamin
28th March 2025 16:30 @Halle im Gasometer, Vienna